Operatives can perform the following mission action:
An operative can perform this action while within control range of a Scrap Pile it controls that has not been searched by a friendly operative during this turning point. Until the start of the next Turning Point, that Scrap Pile has been Searched by your operatives. Each Scrap Pile can be Searched a maximum of four times during the battle. Each time this action is performed, if the Relic has not yet been discovered, roll one D6: on a 6+, the Relic has been discovered and you must place an objective marker to represent the Relic within control range of the operative that discovered it. The Pick Up Marker action can be performed upon the Relic objective marker. While an operative is carrying the Relic objective marker, it can not perform the Dash action. The operative cannot perform this action while within control range of enemy operatives, or if enemy operatives control the Scrap Pile |
Operatives can be equipped with the following equipment:
Commander: Before players set up their kill teams, the Defender must select one model to be the Commander. If any of their Operatives are a LEADER, they must choose one of them. The Commander must be set up wholly within the target zone, and must start the battle within this zone (it cannot use any abilities or scouting options to move out of this zone before the battle begins).
The Defender's Commander can perform the following mission action:
The Defender's Commander can perform this action while it is wholly within the target zone. If a Commander performs this action, until the end of the turning point, it cannot perform any other actions. |
Surprise Attack: The Attacker decides who has the initiative in the first turning point.
The Defender's operatives can be equipped with the following equipment:
Once per turning point, one operative equipped with an auto-medicae can perform the following action:
An operative can perform this action if their Commander is Visible to and within control range of it. Each time this action is performed, that Commander regains 2 lost wounds. The operative cannot perform this action while within control range of enemy operatives. |
Ruse: After the Defender has selected their kill team, they must divide their kill team into two forces, with as equal a number of models in each as possible. The Attacker then selects one of these forces: that force has been lured away by a ruse and the operatives in it will not start the battle on the killzone, but will arrive later during the battle.
It's a Decoy, Return to Base: At the start of the Strategy phase of the second Turning Point, the Defender rolls one D6 for each of their operatives that were in the force that were lured away by the Attacker's ruse. On a 4+, that operative has returned to the killzone and the Defender can set that operative up anywhere that is wholly within their drop zone, wholly within 3" of a killzone edge and not within control range of enemy operatives. At the start of the Strategy phase of the third Turning Point, all of the Defender's remaining operatives who were lured away by the Attacker's ruse return to the killzone, and are set up anywhere that is wholly within 3" of a killzone edge and not within control range of enemy operatives.
The Attacker's operatives can perform the following mission action:
The Attacker's operatives can perform this action while they are within control range of the vital installation. Each time this action is performed, that structure suffers 1 Damage point (if the operative is atop the vital installation's Vantage Point when this action is performed, it suffers 2 Damage points instead). If an operative performs this action, until the end of the Turning Point, they cannot perform any Charge or Shoot actions. The operative cannot perform this action while within control range of enemy operatives. |
The Attacker's operatives can be equipped with the following equipment:
Each time an operative equipped with melta charges performs the Plant Explosives action, the vital installation suffers 1 additional Damage point.
The Defender's operatives can be equipped with the following equipment:
Each time you roll to see if an operative returns to the killzone, if that operative is equipped with an Emergency Vox, add 1 to the dice roll.
At the end of the battle, the players score a number of victory points d epending on how many Damage points the vital installation suffered, as shown below:
Damage suffered by Vital Installation | Attacker VP | Defender VP |
0 | 0 | 12 |
1-3 | 4 | 8 |
4-6 | 8 | 4 |
7+ | 12 | 0 |
Concealed Positions: In this mission, the Attacker must set up all their operatives first, using concealed deployment. To do so, first assign a unique number to each friendly operative in your kill team. Then, instead of setting up the operative on the killzone, you instead set up a marker with that operative's number on face down (you can alternatively place a number or dice next to the marker, just so long as it corresponds to one of your operatives and is kept secret from your opponent for now). The Attacker must set up their markers between their two drop zones as evenly as possible.
Once all the Attacker's Concealed Deployment markers are set up, the Defender then sets up their entire kill team as normal. Once they have done so, the Attacker's Concealed Deployment markers are all turned face up and replaced with the corresponding operative.
Element of Surprise: The Attacker decides who has the initiative in the first Turning Point.
Escape: The Defender's operatives can move off the Attacker's killzone edge. If they do, they are said to have escaped and take no further part in this mission, but do not count as having been incapacitated for any rules reasons.
The Attacker's operatives can be equipped with the following equipment:
For each operative in your kill team that is equipped with a decoy, you can set up one additional Concealed Deployment marker when you set up your forces. This marker is blank, and is removed after all other nondecoy markers have been replaced with operatives.
The Defender's operatives can be equipped with the following equipment:
For each operative in your kill team that is equipped with scanners, you can, before setting up any of your operatives during deployment, select one Concealed Deployment marker on the killzone. The Attacker must turn the marker face up and, if it is an operative, replace that marker with the corresponding operative.
Surrounded: In this mission the Defender does not have a killzone edge. In contrast, any and every killzone edge counts as the Attacker's killzone edge.
Fort: The four Wall terrain features in this mission are combined to create a single Fort. Operatives cannot move into this Fort - they must instead climb onto its Vantage Point.
Relief Forces Inbound: After the Defender has selected their kill team, they must divide their kill team into two forces, with as equal a number of models in each as possible. The Attacker then selects one of these forces: that force is the Relief Force and will not start the battle on the killzone, but will arrive later during the battle. Operatives in the other group are known as the Spies.
Reinforcements Have Arrived: At the start of the Strategy phase of the second Turning Point, the Defender rolls one D6 for each of their Relief Force operatives: on a 4+, that operative has returned to the killzone and the Defender can set that operative up anywhere that is wholly within 3" of any battlefield edge and not within control range of an enemy operative. At the start of the Strategy phase of the third Turning Point, all of the Defender's remaining Relied Force operatives return to the killzone, and are set up anywhere that is wholly within 3" of any battlefield edge and not within control range of an enemy operative.
Low Ammo: For Spy operatives, all ranged weapons with Ammo weapon rule are counted as having twice less ammo (rounding up). Weapons with no Ammo weapon rule are counted as having Ammo 3 weapon rule. Weapons with Ammo ∞ weapon rule are counted as having Ammo 12 weapon rule instead.
The Attacker's operatives can be equipped with the following equipment:
Once per Turning Point, when the Defender rolls to see if a Relief Force operative arrives in the killzone, an operative equipped with jammers can use them. If they do, the Defender must subtract 1 from the dice roll.
The Defender's operatives can be equipped with the following equipment:
Once per battle, when this operative Reloads (or at the Ready Operatives step of the first turning point), one of this operative's weapons may have its normal Ammo rule.
Relics: The Pick Up Marker action can be performed upon an objective marker by the Defender's operatives.
At the end of each Turning Point, the Defender scores 2VP for each objective marker that is within their drop zone or being carried by a Defender operative that is within their drop zone.
At the end of each Turning Point after the first, the Attacker scores 1 VP for each objective marker that is not in the Defender's drop zone.
The Defender's operatives can perform the following mission action:
Until the start of the next turning point, for the purposes of determining who controls that objective marker, that operatives APL is treated as being one higher (to a maximum of 4). An operative can perform this action while within control range of an objective marker and not within control range of enemy operatives. |
The Defender's operatives can be equipped with the following equipment:
Once per battle, this operative can perform the following action:
Set up Portable Barricade within control range of this operative and not within 2" of other terrain features. This operative cannot perform this action while within control range of enemy operatives. |
The Defender's operatives can perform the Pick Up Marker action on the Diplomat objective marker.
The Defender's operatives can be equipped with the following equipment:
While this operative is in control of the Diplomat objective marker, each time an enemy operative makes a shooting attack, treat this operative as if it has a Conceal order.
At the end of each Turning Point:
At the end of the battle:
The Attacker's operatives can perform the following mission action:
An Attacker's operative can perform this action while within control range of an objective marker that they control and not within control range of an enemy operative. This action can only be performed on each objective marker once. |
At the end of each Turning Point, the Defender scores 1 VP for each objective marker friendly operatives control (to a maximum of 3 VPs per Turning Point).
At the end of the battle, the Attacker scores 3VPs for each objective marker that has had the Download Scouting Report action performed on it.
The Attacker's operatives can perform the following mission action:
An operative can perform this action if it is not within Engagement Range of an enemy operative and is within ^ of an objective marker it controls. Unless an operative performs the Defuse Explosives action on that objective marker, it is destroyed at the end of the Turning Point (see Destroyed Objectives, below). |
The Defender's operatives can perform the following mission action:
An operative can perform this action if it is not within control range of an enemy operative and controls an objective marker, if Plant Explosives action was performed on this objective marker by enemy operatives during this turning point. |
Destroyed Objectives: Each operative marker is set up under a pillar that is part of a terrain feature in this killzone. If all objective markers that are under a terrain feature are destroyed, any parts of that terrain feature with Heavy trait are treated as Light instead.
At the end of each Turning Point, you score VPs as follows:
At the end of the battle, you score VPs as follows:
The Defender's operatives cannot perform the Interact action with Hatch.
The Attacker's operatives cannot perform the Interact action with Hatch until both the Exhaust Vent terrain features are closed as the result of Interact action.
Worker Dataslates: The Pick Up Marker action can be performed upon objective markers. Each operative can carry up to 2 objective markers.
At the end of the battle, for each objective marker friendly operatives are carrying, you score 2VP.
The Defender's operatives cannot perform the Interact action with Hatch terrain.
The Attacker's operatives can perform the following mission action:
An operative can perform this action while within control range of an objective marker. Roll D6. On a 5+, that objective marker has the intel. Add 1 to the roll for each objective marker that was removed from the killzone. If the objective marker has the intel, remove all other objective markers from the killzone. If it does not have the intel, remove that objective marker from the killzone. |
The Pick Up Marker action can be performed upon the objective marker that has the intel by both Attacker's and Defender's operatives.
At the end of the battle:
Boxed In: in the Scouting step, if the Defender selects the Reposition option, do not resolve it. Instead, the Defender may remove one of their operatives and set it up again anywhere within their drop zone. Note that in this mission neither player has a killzone edge.
Lockdown: The Pick Up Marker action can be performed upon objective markers.
Defensive position: While a Defender's operative has the Conceal order and is within the Defender's drop zone, it is always treated as having the Conceal order regardless of any other rules.
At the end of the battle:
Failing Defence Grid: At the start of the first turning point, the Defender rolls one D3 to randomly determine which objective marker is the failing node.
The Defender's operatives can perform the following mission action:
An operative can perform this action while it controls the objective marker that is the failing node. That objective marker stops being the failing node. At the start of the next Turning Point, the Defender rolls one D3 to randomly determine which objective marker is the next failing node. |
One operative in the Defender's kill team can be equipped with the following equipment for the battle:
When rolling one D3 to determine which objective marker is the failing node, if an operative with this equipment is within 6" of one or more objective markers, you can re-roll the D3.
Primary Goal: Operatives cannot perform the Interact action with Hatch terrain.
Split Up: When the Attacker sets up their operatives, they must alternate which of their drop zones their operative is wholly within. Note that in this mission, neither player has a killzone edge.
Explosive Reaction: The Attacker's operatives can perform the following mission action:
An operative can perform this action while within control range of the Power Relay Substation terrain feature's Power Cores. The Power Relay Substation is overloaded and destroyed: Each operative within control range of that terrain feature suffers D3 damage. That terrain feature loses all traits apart from Light. |
Operatives in the Attacker's kill team can be equipped with the following equipment for the battle:
This operative can perform the Energy Overload action for 1AP less.
At the end of the battle, if the Power Relay Substation is destroyed, the Attacker scores 12VP. Otherwise, the Defender scores 8VP.